Airport Terminals & Aviation Retailing

At studiospillane we believe that Airports are a gateway to a community. They provide an opportunity to say hi to tourists, and bye to locals. They can foster local pride and provide a starting point for a holiday.

The studio have active involvement on several major aviation projects, including collaborating with the Brisbane Airport Corporation on future upgrades at both the Domestic and the International Terminal Building, Cairns Airport to refresh the T1 International Airport, the Sunshine Coast Airport Terminal Expansion Project.

We bring our retail expertise to an aviation setting, using reference to place and context to connect with the local community.

As airports are moving towards carbon neutrality, and net zero approaches to their operations, studiospillane are continuing to advance our understanding of refurbishing and building in a sustainable way, working with the stakeholders to re-life existing assets, and specifying locally made products and furniture.

|  Cairns International Airport, Check-in and Arrivals

|  Brisbane Domestic Airport Southern Retail Upgrade

| Townsville Airport Terminal