The Members’ Dining Room at Tattersall’s Club
The Members’ Dining Room is one of the most beautiful rooms in Brisbane,
and is a stunning example of late Art Deco architecture.
The Members’ Dining Room at Tattersall’s Club
Client: Tattersall’s Club
Location: Queen St, Brisbane
Year completed: 2023
PM and QS - Gleeds
Carpet: Brintons
Bar joinery: makimaki
Photography by: Alanna Jayne McTiernan
The Members’ Dining Room at Tattersall’s Club is a heritage listed room first built in 1938 and designed by local architects Hall and Prentice (later Hall and Phillips, and now trading as Phillips Smith Conwell). It is one of the most beautiful rooms in Brisbane, and is a stunning example of late Art Deco architecture. It is clad in original marble polasters, mirrors, and paintings, and has an almost perfect neo classical geometry.
The carpets were replaced in the 1990s, were orange, and were starting to look dated.
Studiospillane were commissioned to create custom designed carpets, and to work to replace the existing bars with new timber joinery.
Our view was that we needed to design a carpet that would complement the heritage features, and subtly bring out the blue/green tones in the marble. The bars were replaced to match the existing trim details, with simple glass cabinetry added to store the priceless trophies and plaques, including a Melbourne Cup, and a Caulfield Cup.
The result is an addition to an already elegant room, which has the timeless appearance of always having looked like this.
Other projects at Tattersall’s Club:
The Conservatory | The Members’ Dining Room | The Health and Wellness Centre | The Concierge